SHARE BASE 昭和村是每天僅限一組的私人場地,以「人人共用的秘密基地」為理念,用DIY和村民的技能翻新了空置了150多年的舊私人住宅!
春天的雪融化了,夏天的天空深藍色,秋天的樹葉染成了鮮紅色,冬天覆蓋著純白的雪。 與您的家人和朋友分享您的興奮和回憶!
▼ 2nd floor bedroom guest room
This is the back room at the top of the storage stairs of the kitchen and dining room. There are two beds, and if you move the bed closer, there is enough space for one futon. There is also a small living room on the second floor, so you can spend a quiet time.
Please turn off the lights at midnight.
Please refrain from smoking in bed.
Please note that any damage to the building caused by guests or their pets will be compensated for.